Touch Me With the Force Again Finish What Kenobi Could Not

Star Wars (1977) Poster

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  • FAQs (34)
  • Spoilers (3)
  • Tatooine is a rough n' tumble planet. It doesn't seem like much of a stretch to have a port in the offered setting. Do nosotros get to an drome in the air? No. So why would you go to a spaceport in space? Edit

  • It'south possible that it was Garindan, the long-snouted royal spy that had been post-obit the group. Alternatively, the stormtroopers may have just been patrolling the streets and heard the commotion and came to investigate. Edit

  • Given that this is the original film, where the climactic Battle of Yavin takes identify. It is the starting point of the timeline. Therefore it takes place in both 0 BBY (Earlier the Battle of Yavin) and 0 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin) Edit

  • Yep, Rogue I: A Star Wars Story. Edit

  • A long time agone in a galaxy far, far away, the dark forces of the Galactic Empire, ruled past the tyrannic Emperor Palpatine, take synthetic the all-powerful DeathStar, a weapon capable of destroying whole planets. However, a Rebel Alliance has also formed to restore freedom and justice to the Galaxy. Rebel leader Princess Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) obtains the schematics for the DeathStar and hides them in droid R2D2 (Kenny Baker) where they are discovered on the desert planet Tatooine past farmboy Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill). Aided past elderly Jedi knight Ben 'Obi-wan' Kenobi (Alec Guinness), smuggler pilot Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Solo'southward Wookie co-pilot Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), and R2D2'due south friend C-3PO (Anthony Daniels), Skywalker sets out to rescue the princess, who has been taken captive by Palpatine'due south Sith Lord Darth Vader (David Prowse, voice of James Earl Jones). Edit

  • When the film was originally released in 1977, information technology was merely referred to as "Star Wars"; though supposedly, George Lucas had intended to include "Episode IV" and "A New Hope" in the opening crawl, but Twentieth Century Trick did not want Lucas to practice so because they thought it would confuse audiences, since there were never any other episodes released earlier it. Subsequently the commercial success of the original Star Wars, Lucas was able to go along with the multi-film epic he originally envisioned. The starting time sequel, The Empire Strikes Back, was released in 1980 and bore the full title of "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Dorsum" in the title clamber, although it was referred to simply as "The Empire Strikes Back" as the title of its commercial release. Information technology was the "Episode Five" appearing in the opening clamber which originally confused those members of the audience who had not been made aware of what Lucas was explaining, that the original Star Wars was now to exist understood to exist the fourth part of a nine-role serial. The original Star Wars was re-released in 1981 with a new title "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope" in the title crawl. This title appeared on all subsequent re-releases and versions from then on (though the original version was released on a depression-quality DVD in 2006, which shows the title crawl in its original form). All subsequent "Skywalker Saga" films have followed this new naming construction (at least for the opening clamber), although "Star Wars" often refers specifically to the 1977 film. Edit

  • To understand the general "behind the camera" respond to these question, one must realise that at no point was the entire "Star Wars" saga e'er figured out, outlined, or written downward. Each film was created from scratch as it was in production in every aspect including the story. For example, Lucas had no idea what would happen in "Return of The Jedi" while he was creating "A New Hope". George had a series of ideas and story arcs he wanted to toy around with, merely massive changes happened as the saga continued from 1 film to another. The idea of what we encounter in "the prequel trilogy" having been already figured out in the 1970s is completely simulated in every possible style. Lucas didn't fifty-fifty know how he would mankind out and finish "the original trilogy" as it was. In between the two trilogies, it's go common place to take the agreement that there are massive, gaping plot holes and issues with continuity, considering truth be told, Lucas isn't the best at paying attention to details. When C-3PO and R2-D2 crash land on Tatooine in "A New Hope", information technology is causeless that it is their very-beginning time on the planet (although "Revenge of the Sith" reveals that C-3PO's memory was wiped). The idea that they were there any fourth dimension earlier that was not known in 1977 to the audience or Lucas himself. Information technology's i of those retrospective things when trying to explain this. Of course, this is the real-life answer equally you'll get a series of "in universe" attempts to explain all of this that usually all come up short. Edit

  • Obi-wan describes the Strength as "an free energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates the states, and binds the galaxy together." Information technology's the Force that gives the Jedi his powers. The Strength may be conceived of as existence like to concepts of "life force" as found in many ancient cultures of this world, i.e., e.1000., "chi" (氣) ("qi" in Communist china) ("ki" in Japan), prana (प्राण) in Bharat, Wakan Tanka or the Great Spirit in various Native American cultures. Edit

  • The Empire was an oppressive government which overtook The Galactic Republic. The Empire would strip sure planets of their resources, effectively polluting and destroying them. They would also enslave the populations of these planets. One example is the Chewbacca's homeworld of Kashyyyk. The Empire reached the elevation of their oppression with the creation of the Death Star, a super weapon capable of destroying an entire planet. Their intention was, as Tarkin explains to his staff aboard the Death Star, to use fright to proceed anyone from considering a rebellion. Edit

  • One could conclude that perhaps Anakin had at some fourth dimension spoken of having a child and wanting that kid to follow in his footsteps, but given the strict Jedi Code which forbade this (as revealed in the prequels), that would seem an unlikely desire/admission. Perchance the best way to summarise what Obi-Wan actually meant would exist to say that: Obi-Wan knew that Luke would be the simply promise of destroying the Emperor, and he himself wanted Luke to one twenty-four hours have the weapon and become a Jedi. But by telling Luke this was his father'south wish and non his own, he knew Luke would be more than fatigued to taking the weapon. Or information technology could be that Obi-Wan honestly felt that this is what Anakin would have wanted. A central characteristic of both confrontations between Luke and Vader is Obi-Wan's trustworthiness, outset about what really happened to Luke'southward father, then virtually having subconscious Leia. Here Obi-Wan is once again interim in the name of Anakin's adept side. Alternately, he might simply wish to keep the truth of Luke'due south parentage hole-and-corner for the time being, preferring for Luke to accept fond feelings toward his father, the human Obi-Wan knew before Anakin'due south autumn to the dark side. Information technology could be causeless that based on their close friendship, Obi-Wan was projecting what he believed his friend Anakin would have wanted prior to turning to the dark side of the Force. Obi-Wan speaks of Anakin and Vader equally if they are two completely separate people. He may truly feel that what he is telling Luke is the truth "from a certain point of view." Edit

  • In the original release, Han shot first before Greedo ever even pressed the trigger of his blaster, so in reality Greedo never even got the adventure to shoot—we run across Han slyly drawing his own blaster during the conversation and when he shoots Greedo, we get a closeup of Greedo'south face that disappears in a flash of flames. In the Special Edition and subsequent versions, Greedo'southward deportment were retconned in that laser bolts were added as he raised his blaster. This newly inserted equalizer shot missed which was then followed by Han's original mortiferous blaster shot. This revised scene has been presented thus far in iii different ways. The 1997 theatrical release and subsequent VHS release allowed a rather slack amount of time between Greedo firing and Han returning burn down. For the 2004 DVD release, the lag time was removed, with the characters firing very nigh at the aforementioned time. The Blu-ray release cut the scene fifty-fifty tighter-we at present do not fifty-fifty come across Greedo's pistol belch; his laser bolt is already traversing the shot as it begins, with Han firing but a frame or so later. Edit

  • These are Imperial lawmaking cylinders. They are given to officers to access computer mainframes and door locks. Their ranks designate them personalized lawmaking cylinders to allow them to accent sure levels of security. R2-D2 has one besides that he uses to hack computers and unlock doors. Edit

  • Han Solo never said he didn't believe in the Jedi. He simply didn't believe that the Jedi had supernatural powers, every bit he never witnessed them for himself, dismissing the ability of the forcefulness equally simple tricks and nonsense. There were approximately 10 thousand Jedi at the end of the Guild. In the vast expanse of the galaxy, it's extremely unlikely Han e'er met whatever of them, especially seeing as how he would have only been roughly nine years old when the Commonwealth fell. Edit

  • Princess Leia observes that the Purple forces allowed them to escape the Expiry Star in order to rail them to the Rebel base of operations and this is later confirmed in the conversation between Darth Vader and Thousand Moff Tarkin (Peter Cushing). However, Vader is intent on facing Obi-Wan in unmarried combat and it seems doubtful that the Majestic stormtroopers or TIE fighter pilots were in on the plan, so the perils faced by the heroes are likely quite real. So information technology'south likely that Tarkin ordered a small contingent of Necktie fighters to destroy the Falcon. Had they destroyed it, the Death Star plans and Princess Leia would be destroyed. If they got abroad, they would reveal the location of the Rebel base; either way would work out for Tarkin, equally he was too pompous to call up the Rebels could really have a promise of destroying the station. Though information technology was still "An atrocious risk..." as he puts information technology. His clear uncertainty regarding the program seems to indicate that it was Vader'south idea, rather than his own. Edit

  • Yes. During the scene where our heroes are caught in the trash compactor and are being aided by the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO via comlink, a grouping of Imperial stormtroopers manage to break into the control room where the droids are stationed. If y'all look at the stormtrooper on the right equally he'south rushing the door with the other troopers his tiptop is too alpine for the door frame and then unfortunately he hits his head and it snaps back only like a trained trooper he recovers speedily and finishes the interruption in with the rest of the troopers. The stormtrooper hit his head was actually a blooper and when Star Wars was released on DVD a thumping sound effect, which was not in the original release, (equally well equally the sound of another trooper maxim 'Need a hand?') was added every bit the trooper hits his head. (In Set on of the Clones, Jango Fett bumps his own head on the hatch of Slave I when he and Boba are leaving Camino afterward his battle with Obi-Wan. The gag was included as an homage to the original blooper.) Edit

  • Although Palpatine, the Emperor, was not featured in this film, it is mentioned by Grand Moff Tarkin that the Emperor has dissolved the Imperial Senate permanently, that the regional governors volition now have direct command over their "territories" and that fear of the Expiry Star will keep the local systems in line. This ways that during the first nineteen years of his reign, the Emperor kept the Senate intact in lodge to maintain the advent that the people all the same had a certain amount of power (a ploy too used past Roman emperors); however in reality, the Senate probably had increasingly less to say, upward to the point where the Emperor had so much military ability that he could dismiss the Senate without much resistance. Edit

  • Keep in mind, the Death Star is a space station the size of a small-scale moon. Which means it'south massive. The intricate workings of such a pattern could have several glitches and flaws that would go unnoticed. I specific thermal exhaust port leads right to the main reactor. There could be tens of thousands of exhaust ports on the station. In Rogue Ane, information technology is explained that Galen Erso realized that the Death Star would be completed with or without his expertise, so he decided to play along and continue his work in building the Death Star'southward super weapon. Withal, he worked in a design flaw that would destroy the station but would get unnoticed by the Empire. Edit

  • They were supposedly never function of any release of the pic, having been edited out of the film long before the special effects, sound, and musical score were completed, and long before the first exam screening. Though many fans claim to have seen them (equally children, or on televised versions), they were never officially bachelor until the CD-ROM "Behind the Magic" was released in the mid 1990s. Some photos from those scenes did, however, announced in books, such as The Star Wars Storybook, and the Marvel comic book adaptation. Lucas has said that these scenes were only added after he showed the script to friends, who told him that he waited too long (nigh twenty minutes) to introduce the primary character of Luke Skywalker. Lucas felt it would exist best to follow the droids until their story connected with Luke, simply he gave in to his friends' criticisms and added these new scenes. Soon after assembling a cutting of the film, he realized these new scenes slowed down the pace of the opening department, so he edited them back out again. Also, one member of a private test screening upset Lucas past joking that these scenes made information technology look like "American Graffiti in space", and these comparisons were something he was desperate to avoid. Edit

  • In 1997, Lucas re-released the original Star Wars trilogy. All 3 movies were non only reissued on video, simply were besides released in theaters worldwide, due to the 20th anniversary of the first movie. These versions comprise the most changes the saga has seen nonetheless. Specially in the case of the first movie; consummate scenes received new animations, and new scenes were added or were enhanced by numerous new characters. It was shown in cinemas, released on video twice and broadcast on television set endless times. Edit

  • The DVD edition is primarily the 1997 Special Edition with a few added changes for either continuity purposes or otherwise. Edit

  • For the recently released Blu-ray discs, Lucas contradistinct some shots and dialogues of the Star Wars movies again. In the outset movie generally very minor changes can be institute similar modified colors, (east.1000. the hatch of the escape capsule) or a digital rock that was added to the motion-picture show in the scene where R2-D2 is hiding from the sand people. Additionally, tiny sound alterations are audible every bit well, including the reinstatement of the "Force theme" heard equally the X-Wings dive at the Death Star (which had been mixed out in the DVD version), and last but not least, the Solo-Greedo scene was edited as well, the gap between the blaster shots being reduced again. Edit

  • Lucas has stated that the more recent versions of the original trilogy are the "definitive" versions. He quoted a statement among moviemakers, "movies are not finished, they are abandoned", and added that he himself decided non to carelessness his movies, but properly finish them. The reason for this is because at the time the original films were made (1977, 1980, and 1983), the engineering to bring Lucas' true vision to the screen merely did not be and the price to realize it would have been astronomical. And then with the engineering available in the late 1990s through the 2000s; Lucas was able to impact-upwardly, re-envision or create from scratch scenes from his original trilogy. On the flip-side, many die-hard Star Wars fans disagree with many of the changes or additions that Lucas made to his original trilogy (the near infamous existence Greedo shooting at Han) and consider the original theatrical releases of the films the definitive "perfect" versions of the movies. Information technology is your ain personal opinion what version you consider "definitive"; merely to ask the creator himself, y'all will notice the newer "special editions" are his preferred visions. Edit

  • Run into the Star Wars Enhanced Script Presentation, with highlighted dialogue, over 900 screenshots appropriately placed, and soundtrack/audio effects highlights. Edit

  • Originally the programme was the release each Star Wars movie, post-converted to 3D every February, starting with The Phantom Menace, in 2012, though many fans complained about having to invest six years into getting to run across each Star Wars picture show in 3D. In late 2012, it was announced that both Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith would exist released back-to-back in tardily 2013. Nonetheless, once Walt Disney Studios acquired Lucasfilm, and the production of Episode Seven was announced, Disney eventually alleged that they were postponing the conversion to 3D and release of any more than of the previous movies in gild to focus on Episode VII. They also added that afterwards product wraps on Episode Seven they may continue to release the previous movies in 3D. Every bit of March, 2020, in that location's been no word on 3D versions. Due to the fading demand for 3D films, it'due south probable information technology won't exist released. Edit

The FAQ items below may give away of import plot points.

  • Because he saw Luke and knew that Luke would effort and save Obi-Wan and likely get himself killed in the procedure. Obi-Wan knew that he would exist more help to Luke from the netherworld of the force. Edit

  • Information technology's likely that Golden Leader was likewise pre-occupied with targeting the exhaust port. When he felt they had to maneuver, his wingman, Gilt 5 was telling him just to "stay on target" instead of moving around and increasing the chances of missing the shot. In other words, Aureate Leader was maxim they were also close and Gold 5 was substantially saying "It'due south okay you're skillful.". Alas, this lead to both their deaths. Edit

  • Pursued past Vader and two wingmen, Luke flies his X-Wing snubfighter down the Death Star trench. All of a sudden, Han and the Millenium Falcon appear. Han shoots downward one of Vader's wingmen. Distracted, the remaining wing ship crashes into Vader's ship and ricochets into the trench wall where it explodes. Vader's ship spins out of command. Han informs Luke that he is clear to fire on the exhaust port. Calling on the force of the Forcefulness, Luke fires his proton torpedoes, hitting the port perfectly and causing the Death Star to explode, killing Tarkin and nigh of the senior Regal staff earlier they could burn on the Rebel base. Following the successful destruction of the Death Star, Luke and Han caput dorsum to the Rebel base. Heavily damaged by Vader's hit on Luke's ship, R2D2 is sent for repairs while 3-CPO expresses his concern for his droid friend. In the last scene, Luke and Han are awarded medals for bravery by Princess Leia, while Chewabacca, iii-CPO, and a newly-repaired R2D2 applaud, forth with hundreds of Rebel soldiers at an awards ceremony held in their honor. Edit


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