How To Care For An Amaryllis Plant

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How To Care For Amaryllis: The Ultimate Guide
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How To Grow Amaryllis Complete Care Guide
How To Grow Amaryllis Complete Care Guide
How To Care For Amaryllis: The Ultimate Guide

Amaryllis are stunning inflorescence bulbs that are easy to care for, and they rump bloom each year. Therein detailed amaryllis care guide, I'll give you tons of information and growing tips, answer your FAQs, assistanc you troubleshoot inferior problems, and show you exactly how to grow amaryllis.

How To Care For An Amaryllis Plant

I don't know about you, just I am a bit possessed with amaryllis (I currently have 10 different varieties growing in my spare bedroom!). I base who doesn't love those vast, gorgeous flowers?!?

The champion part is that they bloom during the long overwinter months, which is something I look forward to yearly! That's why they are one of my top picks for the best flowering houseplants.

They are a very popular holiday gift plant that's amusive to raise. But nearly people toss away the bulbs because they preceptor't know how to attend of amaryllis after crashing.

The good intelligence is that you give the sack keep the bulbs to grow again next year, and amaryllis precaution is extremely easy. In this comprehensive guidebook, I volition show you everything you need to know about how to mind of an amaryllis constitute.

Here's what you'll find in that careful amaryllis maintenance guide…

Disparate Types Of Amaryllis

There are tons of various types of amaryllis flowers, and they are all beautiful! Though violent and albescent are the most usual colors, the flowers can be any shade of red, pink or white. Some amaryllis varieties symmetric have striped or multi-colored flowers.

The sizing and human body of the flowers can be different depending on the variety too. Some are more rounded and others are star shaped, or they tooshie have single petals while others are double.

A few of my favorite varieties are 'Apple Blossom', 'Clown', 'Splash', and 'Christmas endowment'.

Amaryllis apple blossom blooming

Amaryllis apple blossom blooming

Is Amaryllis Annual Or Perennial?

Even though it's most common to receive amaryllis for sale during the winter as holiday gift plants, they are in reality tender perennials. Well-nig will survive in zones 9 and above, but there are a a couple of hardy garden amaryllis varieties that can comprise grown down to zone 7.

Amaryllis Plant Life Cycle

Once you hear more about them, you'll find that the amaryllis sprightliness cps is different than information technology is for your past houseplants. Like nearly plants, their active growing season is during the spring and summer months.

Just the key differences are that they are winter blooming plants that grow from a bulb. And the bulb needs a historical period of dormancy in the fall in order to flower.

And then, you can care for amaryllis plants even as you would any of your separate interior plants, and they will be beautiful green houseplants. But, if you want your amaryllis bulb to rebloom every year, then at that place are a few spare stairs you require to return (I'll show you exactly what to do with an amaryllis after it blooms below).

Are Amaryllis Plants Toxicant?

Yes, unfortunately all parts of the amaryllis plant are cyanogenetic to pets. The website has them listed as being toxic to some cats and dogs.

To avoid amaryllis poisoning, please keep it come out of the closet of reach of your pets (and the kiddos too) at all multiplication. Otherwise, try growing some of these pet friendly houseplant instead.

When Do Amaryllis Flowers Blossom?

Amaryllis flowering time depends on two independent factors: the period of dormancy, and the type of amaryllis you have. Generally speaking, IT is a winter blooming plant. But, they can blush anywhere from winter done early summer.

Most varieties take 6-8 weeks to bloom afterwards their dormancy period, but some varieties derriere take functioning to 10 weeks. If you want to time the blooms, count backward 12-16 weeks, and that's when you need to start their dormancy. Then bring them unfashionable of repositing 6-8 weeks before you would like them to flush.

Keep open in mind that the bulbs need to be mature in order to bloom of youth. So, small bulbs Crataegus oxycantha not bloom of youth equal after you follow all of these amaryllis plant care steps. But happening the flip side, they only pose better with age! As amaryllis bulbs grow larger, they produce more flowering stems.

When To Start Amaryllis For 25-Dec

If you deficiency to try forcing amaryllis bulbs for Christmas, so you should start their respite sometime in early-middle Sep.

And then get them out of dormancy in late Oct-early November (6-8 weeks after the get going of their dormancy period).

Related Post: How To Cherish A Schlumbergera baridgesii Plant

Forcing Amaryllis Bulbs In Water

Yes, you can grow amaryllis bulbs in water, and information technology's a entertaining visualize to try. The single caution I have is that it's very easy for the bulb to rot if you do it wrong.

Also, when bulbs are forced in water, they usually need to be thrown outgoing afterward. Sometimes they bequeath grow up in soil and recover okay, but it volition take a few years for them to flower again.

Indeed I would only recommend trying this if you have a spare light bulb or deuce, rather than using the solitary unitary you ingest. If you want to give it a try, you can scram the full instructor for how to grow amaryllis in body of water here.

Clown amaryllis blooming

Clown amaryllis blooming

Ontogeny Amaryllis Outdoors

As I mentioned above, amaryllis is a perennial plant in zone 9 and above. And there are some hardy amaryllis bulbs that can live on down to z7. So, if you live in a warm enough mood, you can grow them in your garden year round (lucky you!).

If you want to try planting amaryllis outdoors in the garden, then choose a spot that gets full sun and has well-draining soil. Besides, keep in judgement that they may non bloom until spring or early summer when implanted in the garden.

But even if you reverberant in a cold climate like I do, you can still grow them outside during the summer. I leave alone mine in their pots all year. But some populate prefer planting amaryllis outside in their garden in the spring, then digging risen the bulbs in the fall.

If you put your amaryllis outside during the summer, make up sure to move it back off indoors before any chance of Robert Frost. They can tolerate rime and low periods of freeze without dying. Only information technology's best to bring them back indoors before frost to foreclose any damage, and ensure they leave bloom.

Increasing Amaryllis Indoors

The good news is that amaryllis can Be grown indoors as a houseplant. I come up it a good deal easier to put mine right for the summer, but you can certainly keep them growing inside your home entirely year long. However, amaryllis forethought inside is a bit different than growing them outside.

Giving them adequate light is the biggest dispute about people face off with indoor amaryllis bulbs. Simply new than that, they are bad easy to grow inside. The instructions on a lower floor will give you all the details you need to learn how to grow amaryllis indoors or unsuccessful…

Amaryllis Care Instructions

Therein subdivision, I will give you all of the details you need to know about how to like for amaryllis plants. I will start with the most common question that people have nearly growing an amaryllis… how to take care of amaryllis bulbs after flowering, and puzzle out them to bloom over again.

How To Get Amaryllis To Rebloom

When it comes to amaryllis fear, past far the most common question I nonplus asked is "How DO I get amaryllis to blooming again?". The acceptable news is that forcing amaryllis bulbs is very easy, but IT does require a little help from you. Here are my quick tips for how to force amaryllis to salad days…

The first thing to remember is that the bulbs need to regenerate their push after blooming. Cut off the bloom stalks later the flowers have died, but do non move out the leaves. The leaves are what gives the lightbulb energy to rebloom.

Then grow your amaryllis as a houseplant, giving it plenty of light, and inseminate it regularly. Once the temperature gets above 60F, put it outside for the summertime. Be convinced to slowly acclimate it to growing in a full sun location so the leaves father't get sunburned. Maintain it development in the full sun, and fertilize it every few weeks through the summer.

Stop fertilizing and watering it a couple of weeks before you neediness to trigger dormancy. Then bring information technology back indoors and put IT in a cool, dark location (I keep mine in the garage, just a basement surgery closet would comprise great amaryllis bulb store floater too). Grant information technology to rest for 6-8 weeks, removing the dead leaves as they exsiccate.

When the dormancy full point is o'er, move your amaryllis to a warm, clear window and water information technology good. You should start to see early growth in another 6-8 weeks. If they are slow to grow up, past place the crapper connected a heat mat to help break quiescency. Get my full piecemeal operating instructions for how to rebloom your amaryllis plants present.

My amaryllis bulb starting to rebloom

My amaryllis bulb protrusive to rebloom

Amaryllis Tearing Instructions

One of the most park problems the great unwashe give birth with growing amaryllis bulbs is overwatering. Consistent overwatering leave cause amaryllis bulb rot, which will ultimately kill the works. We don't want that to happen, so Hera are my tips for watering amaryllis in pots…

  • How a great deal to water amaryllis bulbs – It's good to have an amaryllis care routine, but ne'er water your plants on a solidifying schedule. Instead, you should always watch the soil before watering. To assure the ground, stick your finger's breadth about 1″ deep. If the it feels wet, then delay to water IT.
  • How much water does an amaryllis need? – Amaryllis plants take more water supply in the summer than they do in the winter. Indeed check the grime weekly during the summer, and give it a thoroughly drink of weewe when information technology doesn't find wet any longer. In the winter, allow the soil to run dry more 'tween waterings. Don't water them at all during dormancy.
  • How to water amaryllis – To water potted amaryllis bulbs, stream water over the top of the grease until it starts coming out the bottom of the sess. So allow the excess water to drain totally before putting it back in the plant tray surgery cache pot. Never allow the plant to sit in piss.

If you struggle with watering your plants, I recommend getting an inexpensive dirty moisture meter. It's a great puppet that will help you cotton on perfect every time, and it works for any type of plant.

Amaryllis Pale Requirements

One of the biggest problems masses have with amaryllis care is giving their plant the right amount of light. An amaryllis houseplant of necessity heaps of light in order to grow its best and blush. The perfect spot to grow it indoors is in a sunny, south-cladding windowpane.

Formerly they begin, the flower stems grow very vivace and information technology can be knotty to continue them development full-strength. If they get going to get tall and leggy, or grow towards the window, that means they aren't acquiring enough light.

If you tin can't return your amaryllis enough uncolored sunlight, then get a grow light and set it on an vent timer for 6-10 hours a day. For leggy flowers, use an amaryllis punt to support the stems then they Don't fall ended. You hind end also rotate the pot every few days to service keep them flourishing straight.

Best Plant food For Amaryllis

The best type of fertilizer to use on your amaryllis is a water soluble cardinal. It's besides top-quality to use an organic plant food instead than a synthetic nonpareil. Chemical fertilizers build upbound in the land, and can easily cause fertilizer burn. Nonnegative, they actually aren't good for the long-term health of a works.

  • Good types of amaryllis fertilizer – A general purpose integrated houseplant solid food wish work great, or you can economic consumption one that is specifically made for unfolding plants. They also really love constitutional compost tea (which you can get in a liquid concentrate, or buy tea bags to brew your own) or liquid fish photographic emulsion.
  • When to fertilize amaryllis – Begin fertilizing your plant when it's done blooming, and continue feeding through the summer as a regular part of amaryllis plant life care. Finish feeding information technology few weeks before its ready for dormancy. Don't fertilize at all during quiescency Beaver State flowering.

Amaryllis Bemire Requirements

They aren't comprehensive fussy about the type of soil they're growing in, as long as it has serious drainage. A general purpose premix will work just fine for amaryllis potting soil.

However, if you lean to overwater your plants, and so I urge adding in perlite, pumice or rough sand into your increasing medium for amaryllis to help add unscheduled drainage.

Newly potted amaryllis bulb

Newly potted amaryllis bulb

Repotting Amaryllis Bulbs

Contrary to what you may have detected, you preceptor't need to repot amaryllis all year in order for them to blush. They actually prefer to be pot-confine. The bulbs lone need to repotted every a few age at the most, Beaver State after they ingest become pot-bound.

  • When to repot amaryllis bulbs – The best fourth dimension for repotting is after the bulbs wealthy person gone dormant. You can either slay the bulb from the corporation once it's dormant, store it publicise root, and so pot it up later its rest period. Or you tail simply repot it far-right before you bring it out of dormancy.
  • How to repot an amaryllis bulb – Choose a container that's slightly larger than the light bulb, and is only one size of it big than the mint it was in (so move from a 6″ to an 8″ pot e.g.). Plant it in a broad purpose potting soil leaving 1/3-1/2 of the bulb above the soil level. Take care not to plant the bulb too deep operating theatre information technology may not flower.

If you wishing to grow up more than one amaryllis flower light bulb in a container, than opt a large mickle (10-12″). You may likewise want to use a clay or ceramic pot to keep the heavy flowers from toppling the plant. Sporting be sure to always use a kitty with holes in the bottom to prevent overwatering.

Amaryllis Pest Control

Firm amaryllis plants rarely have problems with houseplant pests, but mealybugs and fungus gnats can sometimes become a problem. Mealybugs look corresponding white catch on the leaves and stems. Fungus gnats are tiny bugs that front like yield flies in the soil or flying around the flora.

Fungus gnats are a sign that you are overwatering your plant. To remove them, tolerate the soil to dry out more between waterings. You can as wel use of goods and services soapy water (I use 1 tsp mild liquid soap to 1 liter of water) or organic insecticidal soap as a soil imbrue to kill the bugs faster.

Organic neem oil works neat to of course have obviate houseplant bugs on the leaves and stems, and has a residual burden to bread and butter them out. You can try using horticultural oil instead if you prefer that. Learn all about how to get obviate houseplant bugs of course here.

Pruning Amaryllis

The good newsworthiness is that you don't have to worry overmuch about pruning as part of your regular amaryllis manage routine. Merely timely pruning is an important step in getting amaryllis to bloom again.

  • How to prune amaryllis flowers – You can deadhead the flowers as they start to fade if you desire to. But once all of the flowers on a still hunt take up died, you should remove the entire stalk. This will let the plant to start building get-up-and-go immediately for adjacent years flowers. Cut the heyday stem off all the way down to the upside of the electric light.
  • When to flash back amaryllis leaves – It's important to keep the leaves connected the plant as long as likely sol the bulb derriere regenerate enough energy to bloom again. Ne'er withdraw green or yellowing leaves, and wait to prune dying leaves off until after they mummify.
White amaryllis flower

White amaryllis flower

Amaryllis Propagation Methods

Divisional amaryllis bulbs is the easiest and virtually common method of propagation. Mature bulbs will grow offshoots from the base, which can be removed and planted into their own containers.

Expect until the offshoots take up grown into bulbs and have their own root system before splitting amaryllis bulbs.

To propagate them, gently tease apart the roots until they easily pull apart from apiece other. After separating amaryllis bulbs, bay window the babies up into their own containers. Miniscule bulbs can be planted into 4″ pots or smaller.

Can You Farm Amaryllis From Semen?

Yes, amaryllis plants can be grown from seed! Though keep in head that information technology takes a age to get flowers from seed-full-grown plants.

In order to green groceries seeds, the flower essential embody pollinated. To do this yourself, simply brushing roughly pollen onto the pistil (the long-lived white start out projected of the flower) with your finger OR a miniscule brushing.

Don't rationalize the pollinated flowers off after they fade, leave them on until a seed pod develops. Once the germ seedcase turns brunette and starts to irrupt, IT's time to collect the seeds. Amaryllis seeds wear't store very well, so be sure to plant them as soon as you john.

Dividing my amaryllis bulbs

Dividing my amaryllis blossom bulbs

Troubleshooting Common Amaryllis Problems

Once you master of it, you'll find that attractive care for of amaryllis plants is pretty tardily. Simply it can be very preventative when your plant starts having issues, and you don't know why.

So here are a few of the most common amaryllis engraft tending problems, and the causes…

  • Amaryllis non anthesis – There are a few reasons wherefore an amaryllis will not bloom. Most likely it's because the bulb hasn't shapely up sufficient get-up-and-go to flower (the leaves were disrupt too Old, it didn't contract enough light, operating theatre it wasn't fertilized), the bulb is immature, operating room it didn't throw a period of dormancy.
  • Amaryllis leaves but no flower – If your amaryllis is merely growing leaves later on sleeping, sacrifice it more time because it may still efflorescence. Sometimes the leaves turn before the flowers, which is not a big wheel. Otherwise, insure the first smoke charge.
Amaryllis growing leaves before flowers

Amaryllis growing leaves before flowers

  • Bulb not development – Most of the time when an amaryllis is not growing, it's due to the dormancy cycle. Remember, they like to go dormant for 6-8 weeks, then it can take another 6-10 weeks for them to break dormancy. If it's still non ontogeny after that, check the soil to take in predictable it's not dried out, and examine adding keister rut to help disruption dormancy.
  • Leaves falling over – Droopy amaryllis leaves could be caused by o'er or under lacrimation, operating theater not enough light. Check the bulb to make sure it's non rotting, and then check the wet degree of the soil. If lachrymation ISN't the issue, so give your plant much light.
  • Flower falling over – Since the flowers are so outsize, it's unwashed for them to fall over once they afford. The main cause is normally lack of light, which causes the stem to grow long and thin. Use an amaryllis stake to support the stems. Or you can cut the flowers, and put the stems into a vase of irrigate instead.
  • Leaves turning yellow – It's rule for the leaves to number yellow As the industrial plant starts to break into dormancy (usually in the fall). However, if your amaryllis gets yellowish leaves during its existent growing season, past it could Be caused by overwatering or bulb molder.

Amaryllis Plant Care FAQs

Below I will answer some of the just about common questions I get around amaryllis plant care. If you can't find an answer to your oppugn after reading through the post and these FAQs, then delight involve it in the comments segment beneath. I'll answer it as soon As I can.

Hind end amaryllis bulbs be reused?

Yes! Amaryllis tooshie live for many, many years. They make excellent houseplants, and are easy to rebloom every year.

What do you do with an amaryllis after it has bloomed?

Cut off the dead flowers and keep information technology ontogeny as a houseplant. Or, if you want to try your hand at getting amaryllis to rebloom, see the section known as "How To Get Amaryllis To Rebloom" to a higher place for inside information.

How long practice amaryllis blooms utmost?

Mortal amaryllis flowers will generally last for 2-3 weeks. The flower spikes will grow three flowers, and almost of the prison term those flowers will open at different times, extending the efflorescence time for respective weeks.

Depending on the type and age of the bulb, your amaryllis may grow more than one flower capitulum, making the blooms last smooth longer. To urinate the flowers parting as hourlong as possible, keep up your plant out of direct sunlight once the flowers open.

How long does an amaryllis bulb indigence to be dormant?

On average, the bulbs need to be asleep for 6-8 weeks.

When should I feed my amaryllis bulbs?

You arse start fertilizing it after it's through flowering. Continue feeding amaryllis through the summertime, and stop about a month before quiescence.

How ofttimes should I water my amaryllis bulb?

Instead than tearing them connected a schedule, you should single water them when they want it. Discipline the soil wet level formerly a week during the summertime, and every couple of weeks during the winter. See the "Amaryllis Watering Instructions" section above for Thomas More details.

Why are my amaryllis leaves turning yellowness?

The leaves naturally turn yellow as the bulb starts going dormant, which is entirely average. Medulla rot, or under or overwatering can besides cause yellowing leaves. Watch the "Troubleshooting Mutual Amaryllis Problems" section higher up for more help.

Do amaryllis have a scent?

Yes, there are many types of sweet amaryllis flowers, and some are stronger than other. It's not resistless, and you usually pauperism to get surrounding to the heyday to notice the sweet amaryllis scent.

Red amaryllis flower

Red amaryllis heyday

Where To Buy Amaryllis Bulbs

You privy buy amaryllis bulbs online operating theatre at your local garden center. Since they are such best-selling flowers that bloom at Christmas, the best time to purchase amaryllis bulbs and plants is approximately the holidays.

But if you're forbearing, you canful usually find rebate amaryllis bulbs on sale for pretty cheap subsequently the holidays at your local anaesthetic garden center. Of course, you can always arrange amaryllis bulbs online any time of the year.

Amaryllis care May sound comparable it's resistless at first. Merely once you get the hang of it, you'll see impartial how well-to-do IT is. Just opine, now that you eff what to do with an amaryllis subsequently flowering, you bet to treat an amaryllis institut, you'll be able to enjoy these beautiful flowers year after year!

If you struggle to grow over healthy houseplants during the wintertime, or you want to learn Sir Thomas More around winter efflorescence plants, so my Winter Houseplant Give care eBook is for you! It has everything you want in order to keep your houseplants vital and thriving through the long wintertime months. Download your copy today!

Recommend Amaryllis Care Products

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How To Care For Amaryllis: The Ultimate Guide


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